About Orthodontics

About Orthodontics Beaumont

Orthodontic Treatment

The main reason patients seek out orthodontic treatment is to attain a healthy, beautiful smile. Orthodontics will improve your smile, increase your self-confidence and improve the way you look and feel.

Upon completion of your treatment with us, you will have the smile you’ve always dreamed of and the confidence to show it off! It is important that you feel comfortable and confident throughout your entire orthodontic experience, and our practice is dedicated to making sure that you receive the quality care you deserve.

Why You Should See an Orthodontist

Young woman smiling with hand on chin

There are several reasons why you may want to consider seeing an orthodontist in adulthood.

  • You wish to have straighter teeth for a more attractive smile
  • Your teeth are misaligned
  • You grind your teeth when you sleep
  • You notice a clicking in your jaw
  • You have difficulty biting or chewing

Your general dentist or specialist may also refer you to an orthodontist as part of a multi-disciplinary plan, but a referral is NOT required in order to book your complimentary consultation.

How Orthodontic Treatment Works

Orthodontic appliances differ in material and design. They can be made from metal, ceramic, or plastic and can be removable or fixed (glued to your teeth). Braces and orthodontic appliances slowly move your teeth into their proper position with constant, gentle and controlled forces.

Technology in orthodontics has changed a lot! We no longer use metal bands with brackets placed around each tooth. In a comfortable procedure, metal brackets are bonded (glued) to your teeth and, in some cases, you can choose the colour of your appliance.

Duration of Treatment

Factors such as, and not limited to, age, treatment method and severity of your case, can determine the length of time in treatment. However, it typically takes between one and three years to complete orthodontic treatment. The biggest factor in successful treatment is you! Being involved and diligent with oral hygiene and appliance instructions, allows for the most efficient treatment. Children receiving interceptive or early treatment can allow for less severe treatment and shorter treatment times, as we can work with controlled movement based on growth.

Digital X-Rays

Here at Smile Buddy, all our x-ray imaging is performed using digital x-ray technology, rather than traditional film-based x-ray.

Benefits of Digital X-Ray

  • Enhanced image quality
  • Faster image development
  • Ability to further enhance and process images
  • Eliminates the need for chemicals, and is therefore more eco-friendly

The choice to use digital x-ray technology was a careful decision on our part. Using digital x-ray technology provides us with much better visual representation of your dental condition, allowing us to design a more accurate orthodontic treatment plan.

However, rest assured that we will only require you to undergo x-rays when absolutely necessary, and only if your family dentist isn’t able to provide us with recent x-rays.

Common Bite Issues

There are several reasons why you may want to see an orthodontist, but the most common reason is that you suffer from one or more of these bite issues.


An overbite is a type of teeth misalignment wherein the upper teeth protrudes over the bottom teeth. In some cases, this results in the bottom teeth making contact with the roof of your mouth

Teeth Protrusion

If your teeth jut out beyond your dental arch then you are suffering from teeth protrusion. Not only can this affect the appearance of your smile, but it can also make chewing difficult. This bite issue can be corrected using braces.


While an overbite is characterized by upper teeth overlapping over the bottom teeth, overjet is when the lower arch is set behind the upper arch. This results in a horizontal gap between the top and bottom teeth. Tongue thrusting, thumb sucking and other similar habits can worsen this condition.


Crossbite is a bite issue that can affect one, a few or all of your teeth. The misalignment is evident by your top teeth biting into the inside of your lower teeth. This may cause you to intentionally adjust your jaw and bite to be more comfortable, which can cause other issues.


Crowding can occur when your teeth are too large for your jaw structure or your jaw structure is too small for your teeth. Because of insufficient space, teeth can end up crowded and misaligned.


While crowding is a result of insufficient space, spacing is a bite issue that results in gaps between the teeth. This can be due to smaller teeth combined with a larger jaw structure. These gaps can also be caused by dental habits such as thumb sucking, tongue thrusting or certain swallowing habits.

Spacing can also be the consequence of extracted teeth. If you are experiencing any of these bite issues or you suspect you have a bite condition that is not mentioned here, then we recommend coming in for a complimentary consultation.

Life with Braces

Eating with Braces

Don’t worry, you don’t have to give up eating all your favourite hard and sticky treats forever. You’ll be eating popcorn, enjoying sticky candy and snacking on crunchy chips again in no time!

However, our rule while you are in braces is to avoid anything that can damage your braces and appliance, unintentionally increasing your treatment time. When your braces are first applied, it is natural to feel discomfort when eating at first. You may feel the same discomfort after every adjustment. This is why it’s important to know what foods are best to eat and what to avoid.

Foods to avoid with braces:

The orthodontic appliances we provide you are of high quality and will be securely fastened to your teeth. However, they are by no means unbreakable. Eating the wrong types of food can cause your braces to become unglued or the archwire to become crooked. Repairing these damages are not included in your original fees so we recommend being careful with the foods you eat.

  • Whole raw vegetables (cut them into pieces instead)
  • Corn on the cob (kernels can be cut off instead)
  • Popcorn kernels (unpopped or partially unpopped)
  • Whole apples or fruits with a pit (remove the pit and cut the fruit up in small slices instead)
  • Nuts
  • Peanut brittle
  • Meat with bones (cut the meat off instead)
  • Bagels, pizza crusts and any type of hard bread
  • Hard and sticky candy such as lollipops, Skittles, etc.
  • Toffees
  • Caramels
  • Ice

Foods you CAN eat with braces:

  • Well-cooked pasta
  • Muffins
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Soup (not chunky)
  • Soft cheeses
  • Yogurt
  • Protein shakes
  • Breakfast shakes
  • Tofu
  • Meatloaf
  • Soft cooked fish
  • Banana
  • Avocado
  • Applesauce
  • Fruit juice
  • Jell-o (of course!)

Needless to say, be sure to avoid unhealthy dental habits such as chewing on your fingernails, pens and pencils. None of those are nutritious anyway!